i feel like in a healthy relationship there should be like some money for their relationship and have some money for just themselves and their family. they should have some individuality but there should be somethings that are shared.
I agree, some money can be put out to so they also be able to have enough money to take care of themselves and those that they want to take care of. (Self-care is also important)
I agree, it's important to keep your family in mind when accounting for your finances. However, each person is a different and each person deserve to spend their money the way they want. Combining everything could cause problems.
My money is my money, your money is your money. But “with great power comes great responsibility” So depending on the power dynamic in your relationship, the more dominant person should be the provider. Also if the person is making significantly more money than you, they should be the dominant person in the relationship. It doesn’t make sense for someone not to provide their fair share, or for someone to provide their fair share and not have an impact on their relationship.
I agree, they work for their own money and they could always spend money for themselves because its their own money they worked for, but they should also share evenly with monthly expenses etc.
i want to disagree that the person that makes more money is dominant because let's say i make more money then my partner but i like to spend a lot of my money on thing like action figures that cost like 100 dollars. the one that makes less money could be dominant and say like oh hey britt lets lay low and save that money on like bills and stuff.
I feel like money should be 50/50 in a relationship. if you live together the man pay's half the bills the women pay the other half . same thing when you go out to eat one day the man pays the other day the women pay. Big purchases you should talk to your significant other about because you're probably spending a lot of money.
love that. bc that "dominance" is not the wave. a person can clapback saying that they pay all your bills so they control you. if everything is split, you avoid that.
I disagree because what if your salaries are not even. It’s not right to have to split it in half in that case. So I think that in a case by case basis the couple should speak on things they know work for one another. The big purchase thing depends because if it’s a shared bank account then yes but if it’s your own money you don’t have to if it’s not something you do regularly because you earned it any the end of the day
I am absolutely no expert in this matter and you can easily discard this point and I wont blame you, but I strongly believe all money earned should be pooled together in any marriage. Maybe I am biased because my parents own a business and the only option is to pool profits together. Nevertheless i still think money pooled together with management on both sides allows for a smooth marriage. But i must remind you again this isn't advice.
I think this would be the ideal relationship to have in a healthy marriage. However, in this day and age people are selfish and things happen so it always important to stay protected.
You see my friend, it depends on the financial situation and employment of each partner, different circumstances require different strategies. Pooling money together is seen as the old-fashioned way and with the newer generations focused on modernization, the modern solution appears to be having both shared accounts and personal ones
Money should be spent, shared, and divided in a healthy relationship by evenly splitting the money in half. If it is a healthy relationship, that means both of the partners agreed that both sides of the relationship will be equal. Plus, money really isn't everything in the relationship if it's healthy.
I like your point on money isn't everything but there is also things like responsibility and burden that each person carries. A mother that has to take care of the kids and buy things for them will need more allowance than the man who is working and providing for the family but I also feel like both should get an equal amount of money for their wants, just to be fair.
I agree that both partners should split the money, however, maybe one of them cannot make as much money as the other. I feel like with communication this can be resolved. Understanding each other and putting yourself in your partner’s shoes can also help. Both partners need to find a balance if this situation occurs.
I think money should be spent, shared & divided by the income of a person in a healthy relationship. If you have more money, you are more likely to spend more, so it could be fair. For example, if a person make $100 a week and the other make $50 a week, each will put 50% in so the person making $100 will put $50 while the other will put in $25.
I agree, for a healthy relationship you should always pay things evenly and if one spouse makes more then the other they should pay a little more so its fair.
I agree, different amount of income can be a factor when it comes seperating the checks. I thought about contribute same percentage of each one's income too.
I personally think that the person that makes more money should spend more money in the relationship. I thought that it was not fair how Harold made significantly more money than Lena, but he still expects her to pay an equal amount. I do agree that diving the bill for some things is fair, but when they are diving everything it becomes a big problem. I just think that people should just do whatever works for them financially.
I agree, it is important do make sure it is affordable for everyone, contributing the same percent of the income is one of the fairest way. 50/50 may not work for everyone.
In my opinion I believed that money should be spent to a certain extent. Because the couple has to understand how much they are making as a whole and also understand others shopping activities so they can talk amongst each other and identify a budget between each other. It should be shared by responsibility because it doesn’t matter who is bringing in the most amount of money it matter on who’s using it rightfully. If in the healthy relationship they both have there own incomes I don’t think they have to share their money because they both worked hard for it. They will understand that each of them have their established responsibilities within bills and other things in that such.
I agree with you Zaire that their money should be used for themselves so no one get's mixed up and as long as all bills are paid everything should be fine it really doesn't matter who brings in the most money.
people should get a prenup. it is not a way of saying they don't trust you but just to be secure. whatever money you had before the marriage is entirely yours. there should be a seperate account where the both of you put your earnings to help pay for living costs. it should be out of the kindness of their heart to go above and beyond for you. i can't speak for everyone on how their finances should work but i think COMMUNICATION is the biggest factor.
I believe in a healthy relationship, you should set aside a certain amount of money as an emergency first, and then the girl will take care of the money mostly because ladys may be more attentive than boys. But different families have different situations,so discussion between the two is the most necessary.
i totally agree that there should be a certain amount for emergencies. i don't totally agree with the fact that all girls are attentive because personally i'm not i don't care about how much money i spend on dumb stuff.
I feel like in a healthy relationship you should each individually have your own money but when it comes to it, it should be split 50/50 when needed like for bills, groceries etc. But, if someone can give more in a relationship than I think they should.
I think money should be planned, divide it up into percentage and into categories like need, rents, wants, etc. The most important categories like need will have a higher percentage of the money earned put into it. I think that each individual should manage their own money that they earn but if you are sharing it then the person who has the most sense of responsibility should handle the money, how it is shared, divided and stuff. When someone has the higher earning/wage then I think they should be the ones who take care of the higher costing things. There is another way that I think how money should be divided and stuff, the responsibilites should be divided. For example the one with the higher wage will take care of things like rent and for the one with the lower wage should take care of things like groceries.
Money shouldn't define if a marriage is healthy or not. Every relationship has different prefrences so there probobly isn't an exact answer to this since everyone has different opinions. I think that if your married you shouldn't count how much you indiviually make and make a huge deal out of that. Both sides should contribute but it shouldn't go to the point of making spreadsheets and counting dollar for dollar. I honestly don't have a conrete answer to this.
Both partners in the relationship could work for themselves and buy anything they want with their own money. If one partner needs money they could just ask the other etc. Money should always be divided evenly for things like monthly expenses. You should always be splitting bills evenly 50/50 so its fair for both sides.
Yeah I agree splitting bills evenly is good from both sides! If my future husband asks me why I bought something expensive he shouldn't get mad cause I bought it with m y own money that I worked for lol.
I agree with you Maliha b/c I feel like when it comes to bills they should pay everything equally so that it's fair to them. As long as they work for themselves then what they do with the money is up to themselves after bills are paid.
Money should be spent on utilities that you'd be using everyday. Such as food, electricity, electronics, rent or anything that will help to benefit you. Money should be shared and divided in a healthy relationship by having both partners agreeing on the item that they want to buy. Both sides of the relationship should be discussed on when making big purchases. However, when it comes to smaller purchases, it can be shared or be exchanged. Not only one person buying things for themselves and for their partner, that's just so unstable.
I agree, money that's being shared and divided needs to be aggred by both people. Discussion is really important when it comes to balancing the spendings/
In my family, money is spent wisely. My father pays all the rent, food, vacations, sports etc.. Meanwhile my mother but at the same time my father work to save up money for college, to buy a house, retirement, future health emergencies etc. I think it's good when the money is divided because it won't cause many arguments in a relationship. I have heard before relationships that shared their money and their partner will get mad because they bought something too expensive, to avoid that it's better to divide the money up and let them do whatever they want with their money.
I agree with you Rebeca, it is true that the old-fashioned shared money appears to be more and more detrimental to relationships as people desire to modernize and have some freedom to spend the money they worked hard for.
I don’t feel like a partner should know every single transaction the other partner makes when money is spent. However it is important to have a conversation when investing or making a huge payment. Money should, of course, be shared and divided equally but each partner should be willing to give the other if they need some in the moment.
I agree with this, not all money situations should be discussed since each person is entitled to their own money and spending however, in certain situations it should be discussed.
I agree, knowing every single transaction would be a bit weird. But when it comes to more important and big purchases, they of course need to discuss on how they should be dividing the payments.
Many should be spent on needs in a relationship and some wants as gifts because what is the purpose in showing your love to a person by giving them items that can be replaced. Love isn't replaceable. Any way if a relationship was healthy and both people worked then it should be a 50/50 even spilt between buying things that you need in order to survive. Now to divide and share money would mainly be in a household where one 1 person works because if both people worked they wouldn't need to share money or split it most of the time.
I really love the way my parents shared and divided their income since you can realized that they are generous and selfless within our family. Sometimes my mom will pay for the rent and my dad will pay for credit car bills. Both of them has the idea of selfless within their marriage and their family. In my opinion, it was the best relationship. The way they interact and shared their property is a sense of trust and love. That’s the way they show their love to each other, honest and trust. Being each other’s shelter makes it feel so warmth and comfortable within a partnership. I can share my salary with you when you couldn’t find a job, and the other will pay the rent when I failed in new business. There’s no particularly way in sharing the property “equally” because love is not value by materials. In opposite, if you value materials more than love, it’s better you leave without a marriage.
Great thoughts, love how you wrote about what you observed between your parent's relationship when it comes to determining using their money for each other and for the family.
This, I would say, is rather ideal in a relationship however it necessitates a great level of trust and knowledge about each partner--a great level of commitment; as, with the wrong partner, such a "system" would be easily abused and taken advantage of.
My ideal spending in a healthy marriage is to open a shared bank account, and then contribute the same percentage of each one’s income. Because one’s income can be higher than another, it may not be fair to divide everything in half. For example, everyone takes 40% of their income out and puts it into the shared account. Whenever someone goes grocery shopping or buys things that will be shared in the family, they would use the money from the shared account. I got this idea from an article I read, and I think it is a great way to balance the money.
I totally agree with you, Minghan. One of them might make less money than the other person and with communication I feel like this problem can be resolved. If it’s a healthy relationship, both partners would try their best to find a solution to this problem and balance it out.
I say that money should be shared evenly as long as they both put in work, or they choose who pays what to make it as evenly as possible. Money should be spent on food, bills, drinks, and some on themselves to allow themselves to have an incentive for all the hard work they put into making the money they have. Also, I feel like some should at least go into a trip at least once a year to get a break from life and go have fun.
I totally agree with you, Minghan. One of them might make less money than the other person and with communication I feel like this problem can be resolved. If it’s a healthy relationship, both partners would try their best to find a solution to this problem and balance it out.
I feel like in a healthy relationship money should be that both partner should agree the use of money should use it equal. Like splitting the money between partner for themselves but leave a part of the money that for both of them. Spending it on their life necessity.
I agree I feel like we should each have our own money so we don't have to depend on each other. However, we should have money together to share for things we both share like the house.
I think that the expenses should be taken care of by both sides in the relationship. They should both pay half and half on things like rent, bills, and food, since these are the main things people share. I think that only the essentials should be split between the two and money for non-essential things should be kept to themselves unless they want to help each other out or other circumstances like that.
I think money management depends on the type of relationship that they have. Personally, I think that some funds should go into a join account for rent, bills, car payments, etc. and that some money should be kept to themselves for personal spending like shopping or activities. I don't think having your partner know every single transaction that you make is necessary, privacy should still be a big factor of a relationship.
I believe there ought to be, in a healthy relationship, half the income of each partner pooled together in one bank account with the other half being a personal income. However--if the partners live with one another--there should be absolute transparency with the purchases of each partner to maintain a level of trust and honesty. And, as for shared activities such as going on a night out and whatnot, it makes much more sense that each pays for what they ate or did--or split the bill equally amongst them all--than abiding by an antiquated code of chivalry.
I completely agree with the idea of transparency as you cannot have a relationship without trust and honesty. They are the foundations of a healthy relationship. Furthermore, you write that each pays for what they ate but I cannot wrap my head around that idea, I cannot imagine it. It is very weird to me to think about someone going out with his wife but then splitting the bill instead of paying it all. When you have kids and you go out with your wife to a restaurant, are you really going to start dividing the bill?
I feel like in a healthy relationship each individual has control over their finance. I think that having your own money allows a little more freedom to buy certain small things that you want. If you are living together i think it's fair to split up the bills such as one person is responsible to pay one bill and the other has other bills to pay.However, if you are going to purchase something big and expensive I think its wise to consider your partners opinion on it.
I agree with Camila because having financial freedom is very important when in a relationship. This allows you to be independent and not have to depend on your partner for everything.
I agree that not everything should be shared in a relationship and that there should be some individuality. I also agree that the more important and bigger things like bills should be shared between partners.
I think money should be divided in a healthy relationship. This allows for both partners to put in equal amount of effort when it comes to buying things and paying bills. When one person invests more money into the relationship, they will feel like they are putting more in over time. They will feel like the other person is not doing as much as they are.
I agree with you because I feel like the person putting more money in the relationship is going to feel like they have more power over financial decisions.
While some people may be terrified of the idea of spending money: partners putting their money together (possibly locking it away in a savings account), rationing their food and supplies to dwindle spending, and always looking for the cheapest alternative. While that may be perfect in some people's eyes (who knows, maybe the secret to weight loss and healthy bodies is money-saving and rationing that eliminates that unhealthy late night snack), an ideal distribution of money in a healthy relationship should depend on salary, household expenses, and other financial responsibilities. Each partner should have a separate account in which they deposit their salaries into as well as a shared account in which each partner puts in their share of the household expenses and bills. This of course has to come through detailed budgeting and accounting, finding the correct ratio to figure out how much has to be contributed to the shared account based on salary. Any purchases not involving something shared, such as groceries, housekeeping equipment, pet supplies, etc., would be carried out from the personal bank account as since that money is the partner's own hard earned money, they can do whatever they want with it.
I agree with this idea, it's a very rational one based upon stability for the relationship and its finances, but also allowing for some level of financial autonomy for each individual.
The route you are describing is typically what we see today where finances are taken into a more induvial sense. It does allow for less friction but it isn't something I find favorable.
I feel like in a healthy relationship yes you have money for yourself and for the relationship,but every relationship is different. Also, I dont believe in 50/50 because everyone does not make the same amount of money. I do feel the person making the most money in the relationship should be paying most of the bills because it would not be fair to do 50/50 becuase the other person may not be able to pay 50% of the bills, but also like i said it really depends on the relationship. I do believe there have to be some sort of deal on who will do what.
I agree with you Shaun but I also feel like the one who makes the most money shouldn't pay more bill wise only if they have to, they should come up with a solution that works for both of them.
In my opinion, I feel like the money should be shared for certain things like basic utilities and big purchases that both partners agree on. I feel like you should also have money for yourself as well, so have money for yourself and the relationship. In a healthy relationship, you have to make sure that everything is fair as well.
Something I forgot to mention...When I said “have money for yourself,” that money is for your own personal purchases. For example, if you go shopping, you can use your own money.
In a healthy relationship there should always be communication and especially about finances. If one partner feels like the other is using too much money or is spending their money without consent there should be a place to have a conversation about the behavior. With dividing money there should be healthy middle that's decided based on how much each person makes as an individual and cost that are spent based on things that come out of the relationship, like bills. But there should be some form of separation where each individual has money on the side for their personal needs that has nothing to do with the other partner.
i feel like in a healthy relationship there should be like some money for their relationship and have some money for just themselves and their family. they should have some individuality but there should be somethings that are shared.
ReplyDeleteI agree, some money can be put out to so they also be able to have enough money to take care of themselves and those that they want to take care of. (Self-care is also important)
DeleteI agree, it's important to keep your family in mind when accounting for your finances. However, each person is a different and each person deserve to spend their money the way they want. Combining everything could cause problems.
DeleteI agree because it is very important to check the money into certain position
DeleteMy money is my money, your money is your money. But “with great power comes great responsibility” So depending on the power dynamic in your relationship, the more dominant person should be the provider. Also if the person is making significantly more money than you, they should be the dominant person in the relationship. It doesn’t make sense for someone not to provide their fair share, or for someone to provide their fair share and not have an impact on their relationship.
ReplyDeleteinteresting point on equality in a relationship, i life there is always a dominant person so why not in a relationship. Very interesting.
DeleteI agree that there is always some sort of power dynamic specifically when it comes to money because someone always tends to earn more.
DeleteI agree, they work for their own money and they could always spend money for themselves because its their own money they worked for, but they should also share evenly with monthly expenses etc.
Deletei want to disagree that the person that makes more money is dominant because let's say i make more money then my partner but i like to spend a lot of my money on thing like action figures that cost like 100 dollars. the one that makes less money could be dominant and say like oh hey britt lets lay low and save that money on like bills and stuff.
DeleteI feel like money should be 50/50 in a relationship. if you live together the man pay's half the bills the women pay the other half . same thing when you go out to eat one day the man pays the other day the women pay. Big purchases you should talk to your significant other about because you're probably spending a lot of money.
ReplyDeleteIt’s fair enough. I believe that it’s hard to do it though since you can’t really count everything fairly.
Deletelove that. bc that "dominance" is not the wave. a person can clapback saying that they pay all your bills so they control you. if everything is split, you avoid that.
DeleteI disagree because what if your salaries are not even. It’s not right to have to split it in half in that case. So I think that in a case by case basis the couple should speak on things they know work for one another. The big purchase thing depends because if it’s a shared bank account then yes but if it’s your own money you don’t have to if it’s not something you do regularly because you earned it any the end of the day
DeleteI am absolutely no expert in this matter and you can easily discard this point and I wont blame you, but I strongly believe all money earned should be pooled together in any marriage. Maybe I am biased because my parents own a business and the only option is to pool profits together. Nevertheless i still think money pooled together with management on both sides allows for a smooth marriage. But i must remind you again this isn't advice.
ReplyDeleteI personally agree with this because that is how it should be.
DeleteI think this would be the ideal relationship to have in a healthy marriage. However, in this day and age people are selfish and things happen so it always important to stay protected.
DeleteThis is an interesting point, it's simple.
DeleteYou see my friend, it depends on the financial situation and employment of each partner, different circumstances require different strategies. Pooling money together is seen as the old-fashioned way and with the newer generations focused on modernization, the modern solution appears to be having both shared accounts and personal ones
DeleteMoney should be spent, shared, and divided in a healthy relationship by evenly splitting the money in half. If it is a healthy relationship, that means both of the partners agreed that both sides of the relationship will be equal. Plus, money really isn't everything in the relationship if it's healthy.
ReplyDeleteI agree, partially of having a healthy relationship is to have both partners agreeing.
DeleteI agree with this , now what if only one person worked in the household? Wouldn't the money need to be divided more?
DeleteI agree because healthy relationship is having the partner both being equal. And money doesn't represent everything in a relationship.
DeleteI like your point on money isn't everything but there is also things like responsibility and burden that each person carries. A mother that has to take care of the kids and buy things for them will need more allowance than the man who is working and providing for the family but I also feel like both should get an equal amount of money for their wants, just to be fair.
DeleteI agree that both partners should split the money, however, maybe one of them cannot make as much money as the other. I feel like with communication this can be resolved. Understanding each other and putting yourself in your partner’s shoes can also help. Both partners need to find a balance if this situation occurs.
DeleteI think money should be spent, shared & divided by the income of a person in a healthy relationship. If you have more money, you are more likely to spend more, so it could be fair. For example, if a person make $100 a week and the other make $50 a week, each will put 50% in so the person making $100 will put $50 while the other will put in $25.
ReplyDeleteI agree, for a healthy relationship you should always pay things evenly and if one spouse makes more then the other they should pay a little more so its fair.
DeleteI agree, different amount of income can be a factor when it comes seperating the checks. I thought about contribute same percentage of each one's income too.
DeleteI agree that money should be split according to how much you make.
DeleteGreat minds think alike! I totally agree with you. The person who has more money should spend more depending on the difference in their income.
DeleteI personally think that the person that makes more money should spend more money in the relationship. I thought that it was not fair how Harold made significantly more money than Lena, but he still expects her to pay an equal amount. I do agree that diving the bill for some things is fair, but when they are diving everything it becomes a big problem. I just think that people should just do whatever works for them financially.
ReplyDeleteyes I agree, if you have more money you should pay more so both person can lose the same percent amount of money
DeleteYes I agree about the person who makes more money deserve to spent more in the relationship.
DeleteI agree, it is important do make sure it is affordable for everyone, contributing the same percent of the income is one of the fairest way. 50/50 may not work for everyone.
DeleteIn my opinion I believed that money should be spent to a certain extent. Because the couple has to understand how much they are making as a whole and also understand others shopping activities so they can talk amongst each other and identify a budget between each other. It should be shared by responsibility because it doesn’t matter who is bringing in the most amount of money it matter on who’s using it rightfully. If in the healthy relationship they both have there own incomes I don’t think they have to share their money because they both worked hard for it. They will understand that each of them have their established responsibilities within bills and other things in that such.
ReplyDeleteI agree with you Zaire that their money should be used for themselves so no one get's mixed up and as long as all bills are paid everything should be fine it really doesn't matter who brings in the most money.
Deletepeople should get a prenup. it is not a way of saying they don't trust you but just to be secure. whatever money you had before the marriage is entirely yours. there should be a seperate account where the both of you put your earnings to help pay for living costs. it should be out of the kindness of their heart to go above and beyond for you. i can't speak for everyone on how their finances should work but i think COMMUNICATION is the biggest factor.
ReplyDeleteI totally agree with you because before one another you were making money and you don’t have to share. It totally has to do with communicating.
DeleteI agree with that. I just think the person with a greater income should put a bit more money in the shared account.
DeleteI believe in a healthy relationship, you should set aside a certain amount of money as an emergency first, and then the girl will take care of the money mostly because ladys may be more attentive than boys. But different families have different situations,so discussion between the two is the most necessary.
ReplyDeletei totally agree that there should be a certain amount for emergencies. i don't totally agree with the fact that all girls are attentive because personally i'm not i don't care about how much money i spend on dumb stuff.
DeleteI feel like in a healthy relationship you should each individually have your own money but when it comes to it, it should be split 50/50 when needed like for bills, groceries etc. But, if someone can give more in a relationship than I think they should.
ReplyDeleteI agree. You should be responsible for your half. It’s also important to be be cooperative and compassionate
Deletei agree they should but only for the right reasons; not to bring it up to embarrass them.
DeleteI agree with you that the finance should be split in half.
DeleteI agree because money should be use equally for life necessity
DeleteI think money should be planned, divide it up into percentage and into categories like need, rents, wants, etc. The most important categories like need will have a higher percentage of the money earned put into it. I think that each individual should manage their own money that they earn but if you are sharing it then the person who has the most sense of responsibility should handle the money, how it is shared, divided and stuff. When someone has the higher earning/wage then I think they should be the ones who take care of the higher costing things. There is another way that I think how money should be divided and stuff, the responsibilites should be divided. For example the one with the higher wage will take care of things like rent and for the one with the lower wage should take care of things like groceries.
ReplyDeleteMoney shouldn't define if a marriage is healthy or not. Every relationship has different prefrences so there probobly isn't an exact answer to this since everyone has different opinions. I think that if your married you shouldn't count how much you indiviually make and make a huge deal out of that. Both sides should contribute but it shouldn't go to the point of making spreadsheets and counting dollar for dollar. I honestly don't have a conrete answer to this.
ReplyDeleteyes I agree, it depends on the person and how both of them will like to deal with situations
DeleteVery interesting take, I like that you believe this.
DeleteI definitely agree that money doesn't define a healthy marriage and that people handle their money differently.
DeleteBoth partners in the relationship could work for themselves and buy anything they want with their own money. If one partner needs money they could just ask the other etc. Money should always be divided evenly for things like monthly expenses. You should always be splitting bills evenly 50/50 so its fair for both sides.
ReplyDeleteYeah I agree splitting bills evenly is good from both sides! If my future husband asks me why I bought something expensive he shouldn't get mad cause I bought it with m y own money that I worked for lol.
DeleteI 100% agree. Asking for a couple bucks is no big deal and they are their own individual
DeleteI agree with you Maliha b/c I feel like when it comes to bills they should pay everything equally so that it's fair to them. As long as they work for themselves then what they do with the money is up to themselves after bills are paid.
DeleteI agree completely, each person in the relationship should have their own personal money and if the other needs money they should just communicate.
DeleteMoney should be spent on utilities that you'd be using everyday. Such as food, electricity, electronics, rent or anything that will help to benefit you. Money should be shared and divided in a healthy relationship by having both partners agreeing on the item that they want to buy. Both sides of the relationship should be discussed on when making big purchases. However, when it comes to smaller purchases, it can be shared or be exchanged. Not only one person buying things for themselves and for their partner, that's just so unstable.
ReplyDeleteI agree because in a relation money be spent on their daily needs.
DeleteI agree because in a healthy relationship by having both partners agreeing on the item it's really important.
DeleteI agree with the understanding of using money to benefit both of the partners and having relationship conversations about this
DeleteI agree, money that's being shared and divided needs to be aggred by both people. Discussion is really important when it comes to balancing the spendings/
DeleteI agree...COMMUNICATION IS SUPER IMPORTANT. Without communication, you won’t find any balance in the relationship.
DeleteIn my family, money is spent wisely. My father pays all the rent, food, vacations, sports etc.. Meanwhile my mother but at the same time my father work to save up money for college, to buy a house, retirement, future health emergencies etc. I think it's good when the money is divided because it won't cause many arguments in a relationship. I have heard before relationships that shared their money and their partner will get mad because they bought something too expensive, to avoid that it's better to divide the money up and let them do whatever they want with their money.
ReplyDeletegreat example, and its true there is less friction if the money is divided.
DeleteI agree with you that splitting bills is a good idea and to have separate accounts and have control over your money.
DeleteI agree with you Rebeca, it is true that the old-fashioned shared money appears to be more and more detrimental to relationships as people desire to modernize and have some freedom to spend the money they worked hard for.
DeleteI don’t feel like a partner should know every single transaction the other partner makes when money is spent. However it is important to have a conversation when investing or making a huge payment. Money should, of course, be shared and divided equally but each partner should be willing to give the other if they need some in the moment.
ReplyDeleteI agree, you don't always have to tell your partner what you bought because its your own money that your wasting.
DeleteI agree with this, not all money situations should be discussed since each person is entitled to their own money and spending however, in certain situations it should be discussed.
DeleteI agree with you! I think its good letting your partner know what you will be using your money for.
DeleteI agree, knowing every single transaction would be a bit weird. But when it comes to more important and big purchases, they of course need to discuss on how they should be dividing the payments.
DeleteMany should be spent on needs in a relationship and some wants as gifts because what is the purpose in showing your love to a person by giving them items that can be replaced. Love isn't replaceable. Any way if a relationship was healthy and both people worked then it should be a 50/50 even spilt between buying things that you need in order to survive. Now to divide and share money would mainly be in a household where one 1 person works because if both people worked they wouldn't need to share money or split it most of the time.
ReplyDeleteI really love the way my parents shared and divided their income since you can realized that they are generous and selfless within our family. Sometimes my mom will pay for the rent and my dad will pay for credit car bills. Both of them has the idea of selfless within their marriage and their family. In my opinion, it was the best relationship. The way they interact and shared their property is a sense of trust and love. That’s the way they show their love to each other, honest and trust. Being each other’s shelter makes it feel so warmth and comfortable within a partnership. I can share my salary with you when you couldn’t find a job, and the other will pay the rent when I failed in new business. There’s no particularly way in sharing the property “equally” because love is not value by materials. In opposite, if you value materials more than love, it’s better you leave without a marriage.
ReplyDeleteGreat thoughts, love how you wrote about what you observed between your parent's relationship when it comes to determining using their money for each other and for the family.
DeleteThis, I would say, is rather ideal in a relationship however it necessitates a great level of trust and knowledge about each partner--a great level of commitment; as, with the wrong partner, such a "system" would be easily abused and taken advantage of.
DeleteMy ideal spending in a healthy marriage is to open a shared bank account, and then contribute the same percentage of each one’s income. Because one’s income can be higher than another, it may not be fair to divide everything in half. For example, everyone takes 40% of their income out and puts it into the shared account. Whenever someone goes grocery shopping or buys things that will be shared in the family, they would use the money from the shared account. I got this idea from an article I read, and I think it is a great way to balance the money.
ReplyDeleteI totally agree with you, Minghan. One of them might make less money than the other person and with communication I feel like this problem can be resolved. If it’s a healthy relationship, both partners would try their best to find a solution to this problem and balance it out.
DeleteI say that money should be shared evenly as long as they both put in work, or they choose who pays what to make it as evenly as possible. Money should be spent on food, bills, drinks, and some on themselves to allow themselves to have an incentive for all the hard work they put into making the money they have. Also, I feel like some should at least go into a trip at least once a year to get a break from life and go have fun.
ReplyDeletei disagree because not every one makes the same money that it really depends on the relationship.
DeleteI totally agree with you, Minghan. One of them might make less money than the other person and with communication I feel like this problem can be resolved. If it’s a healthy relationship, both partners would try their best to find a solution to this problem and balance it out.
DeleteOops! This was supposed to be on Minghan’s comment!
DeleteI feel like in a healthy relationship money should be that both partner should agree the use of money should use it equal. Like splitting the money between partner for themselves but leave a part of the money that for both of them. Spending it on their life necessity.
ReplyDeletebrain dead english
DeleteI agree that money should be split into 3 parts. 1 for each partner and 1 for money together.
DeleteI disagree because people dont always make around the same money so they may not be able to meet halfway.
DeleteI agree, I do feel like both partners should have their own money/allowance but things like rent and stuff they need to share it.
DeleteI agree I feel like we should each have our own money so we don't have to depend on each other. However, we should have money together to share for things we both share like the house.
DeleteI think that the expenses should be taken care of by both sides in the relationship. They should both pay half and half on things like rent, bills, and food, since these are the main things people share. I think that only the essentials should be split between the two and money for non-essential things should be kept to themselves unless they want to help each other out or other circumstances like that.
ReplyDeleteI think money management depends on the type of relationship that they have. Personally, I think that some funds should go into a join account for rent, bills, car payments, etc. and that some money should be kept to themselves for personal spending like shopping or activities. I don't think having your partner know every single transaction that you make is necessary, privacy should still be a big factor of a relationship.
ReplyDeleteI believe there ought to be, in a healthy relationship, half the income of each partner pooled together in one bank account with the other half being a personal income. However--if the partners live with one another--there should be absolute transparency with the purchases of each partner to maintain a level of trust and honesty. And, as for shared activities such as going on a night out and whatnot, it makes much more sense that each pays for what they ate or did--or split the bill equally amongst them all--than abiding by an antiquated code of chivalry.
ReplyDeleteI completely agree with the idea of transparency as you cannot have a relationship without trust and honesty. They are the foundations of a healthy relationship. Furthermore, you write that each pays for what they ate but I cannot wrap my head around that idea, I cannot imagine it. It is very weird to me to think about someone going out with his wife but then splitting the bill instead of paying it all. When you have kids and you go out with your wife to a restaurant, are you really going to start dividing the bill?
DeleteI feel like in a healthy relationship each individual has control over their finance. I think that having your own money allows a little more freedom to buy certain small things that you want. If you are living together i think it's fair to split up the bills such as one person is responsible to pay one bill and the other has other bills to pay.However, if you are going to purchase something big and expensive I think its wise to consider your partners opinion on it.
ReplyDeleteI agree with you in a relationship it should be 50/50 so that there is equality within the relationship.
DeleteYup! Each individual should have control over their own finance. Having your money is just easier then sharing your money.
DeleteI agree about the freedom part because you don’t want to feel like you are being watched over with every little thing
DeleteI agree with Camila because having financial freedom is very important when in a relationship. This allows you to be independent and not have to depend on your partner for everything.
DeleteI agree that not everything should be shared in a relationship and that there should be some individuality. I also agree that the more important and bigger things like bills should be shared between partners.
DeleteI think money should be divided in a healthy relationship. This allows for both partners to put in equal amount of effort when it comes to buying things and paying bills. When one person invests more money into the relationship, they will feel like they are putting more in over time. They will feel like the other person is not doing as much as they are.
ReplyDeleteI agree money should be divided in a healthy relationship and that when one invests more in the relationship, they feel like they are putting in more.
DeleteI agree with you because I feel like the person putting more money in the relationship is going to feel like they have more power over financial decisions.
DeleteWhile some people may be terrified of the idea of spending money: partners putting their money together (possibly locking it away in a savings account), rationing their food and supplies to dwindle spending, and always looking for the cheapest alternative. While that may be perfect in some people's eyes (who knows, maybe the secret to weight loss and healthy bodies is money-saving and rationing that eliminates that unhealthy late night snack), an ideal distribution of money in a healthy relationship should depend on salary, household expenses, and other financial responsibilities. Each partner should have a separate account in which they deposit their salaries into as well as a shared account in which each partner puts in their share of the household expenses and bills. This of course has to come through detailed budgeting and accounting, finding the correct ratio to figure out how much has to be contributed to the shared account based on salary. Any purchases not involving something shared, such as groceries, housekeeping equipment, pet supplies, etc., would be carried out from the personal bank account as since that money is the partner's own hard earned money, they can do whatever they want with it.
ReplyDeleteI agree with this idea, it's a very rational one based upon stability for the relationship and its finances, but also allowing for some level of financial autonomy for each individual.
DeleteThe route you are describing is typically what we see today where finances are taken into a more induvial sense. It does allow for less friction but it isn't something I find favorable.
DeleteI feel like in a healthy relationship yes you have money for yourself and for the relationship,but every relationship is different. Also, I dont believe in 50/50 because everyone does not make the same amount of money. I do feel the person making the most money in the relationship should be paying most of the bills because it would not be fair to do 50/50 becuase the other person may not be able to pay 50% of the bills, but also like i said it really depends on the relationship. I do believe there have to be some sort of deal on who will do what.
ReplyDeleteI agree with you Shaun but I also feel like the one who makes the most money shouldn't pay more bill wise only if they have to, they should come up with a solution that works for both of them.
DeleteIn my opinion, I feel like the money should be shared for certain things like basic utilities and big purchases that both partners agree on. I feel like you should also have money for yourself as well, so have money for yourself and the relationship. In a healthy relationship, you have to make sure that everything is fair as well.
ReplyDeleteSomething I forgot to mention...When I said “have money for yourself,” that money is for your own personal purchases. For example, if you go shopping, you can use your own money.
DeleteIn a healthy relationship there should always be communication and especially about finances. If one partner feels like the other is using too much money or is spending their money without consent there should be a place to have a conversation about the behavior. With dividing money there should be healthy middle that's decided based on how much each person makes as an individual and cost that are spent based on things that come out of the relationship, like bills. But there should be some form of separation where each individual has money on the side for their personal needs that has nothing to do with the other partner.